Sunday, November 25, 2007

I'll Keep My Loonie, Thanks.....

"Behind closed doors, a secret cabal is planning the end of the United States as we know it. Inside a paranoid vision for our time." The amero conspiracy.

There seems to be a lot of influential people like Jerome Corsi (remember that pillar of the community from Swift Boat Veterans for Truth), who take perverse pleasure out of scaring the crap out of their fellow Americans. Oh, the lengths some people will go to to get attention.....

From a Canadian to my friends to the south: I'll keep my loonie, thank-you.


Spadoman said...

That was a very good informative article. I have read a few things before on this subject. Snope has said the Amero is just a collectors coin, but it does exist. The thing that bothers me is that if they can think of it, they can make it happen if the people who hold the money want it to. This is such a huge undertaking, that it might be a while before it happens. One of the things that makes perfect sense is that Mexico has millions in the labor force that will work for less than USA citizens will work for. Mexico and Canada have oil as well. Just another issue to have on the burner while we're busy trying to stop them from dropping the bomb again.

fjb said...

Yup, you can't take your eyes off them for a second!