Monday, April 28, 2008

panc2008 - Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of Al-Nakba.....

I could have posted yet another video of Israeli atrocity, or a lengthy "copy and paste" from one of the many news articles detailing the latest devastating event in the Gaza Strip, which the IDF is happily blaming on the victims, as usual. Most of my visitors would probably just roll their eyes or something to that effect, then move on. So, instead I chose to post this link for the PANC 2008.

Glad to see that at least some people realize that yes, indeed, we do hold the key and it's long past time to use it. Now, if the rest of us out in the big bad world would do the same, and take a pro-active approach to our problems, I dare say we might actually witness change for the positive in our time. Sadly, I doubt most have the guts and fortitude to do so. Sigh.....

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